MACHINING OF PARTSWe produce turning and milling of parts, as well as provide services such as cutting, drawing, bending and flanging of metalMACHINING OF PARTSWe produce turning and milling of parts, as well as provide services such as cutting, drawing, bending and flanging of metalWATERJET CUTTINGAn economical processing method that minimizes material losscutting speed is up to 10 m/minthe ability to cut multiple layers without errors and shiftsthe ability to process any type of material (metal, alloys, ceramice, concrete unglazed glass and others)Order the serviceLearn moreWATERJET CUTTINGAn economical processing method that minimizes material losscutting speed is up to 10 m/minthe ability to cut multiple layers without errors and shiftsthe ability to process any type of material (metal, alloys, ceramice, concrete unglazed glass and others)Order the serviceLearn moreAn effective solution for “heavy production”+(375 29) 762 68 17s-galgo65@park.bntu.byAn effective solution for “heavy production” +(375 29) 762 68 17TURNING AND MILLING WORKProcessing of parts of varying complexity and high degree of surface cleanlinesswe process parts of varying complexity and high surface purityhigh performance thanks to fully automated and programmable machineswe carry out works of any complexity according to your drawing, 3D models and even sample productsOrder the serviceLearn moreTURNING AND MILLING WORKProcessing of parts of varying complexity and high degree of surface cleanlinesswe process parts of varying complexity and high surface purityhigh performanc thanks to fully automated and programmable machineswe carry out works of any complexity according to your drawing, 3D models and even sample productsOrder the serviceLearn moreHigh-precision equipment that allows to achieve perfect results+(375 29) 762 68 17s-galgo65@park.bntu.byHigh-precision equipment that allows to achieve perfect +(375 29) 762 68 17METAL FORMINGFlanging, rolling, drawing, punchingOrder the serviceMETAL FORMINGFlanging, rolling, drawing, punchingOrder the serviceAn effective solution for “heavy production”8 017 235 39 67 sales@prometal.byAn effective solution for “heavy production”+(375 29) 762 68 17s-galgo65@park.bntu.byDO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS?Contact us: s-galgo65@park.bntu.byCall us: +(375 29) 762 68 17Fill in the form